Development Updates

Working on numerous projects at moment but most important is Player Trader as reached over 50 Countries with ZERO marketing and ZERO costs which i think is incredible , had various meetings over the last few weeks and apologizes for not updating sooner.

I have met the founder of one of the UK’s most successful portals who from nothing created something worth over 5 Billion Pounds, when i asked him what he was he smirked and said Lucky !!  He said we had an amazing product but his advice was to simply launch and prove the concept and that people will register which i think is now proven, we are in various discussions now with investors and its a very exciting time.


Lot more hard work to come but least can now see the positive results and the feedback and also the stats from what Countries etc, marketing plan is all coming into place lets see what the next 6 months holds and if I can order the family yacht yet.




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