Having met many investors and entrepreneurs in the last few months one of the most valued meetings that took place was with the former founder of Rightmove. We had a very positive meeting and I felt rather honored that he gave the Player Trader Team some of his valued time. We could see many similarities with what we have created at P.T and many times before we had explained to people as a centralized database of players the same as Rightmove for Property and Agents and the same as Autotrader for Vehicles and Traders both of these web portals have been something I have frequently used many times in the past.
The similarities don’t stop there though and as we kept developing and coming up with new ideas some which are easy to recognise such as searching for something based on criteria specifications and needs but also in the Football World Clubs actually make requests for their specific requirements and we have now come up with a Technolgy led idea to help these requests in the Property Market where Seekers/Buyers can place requests for properties they want including Area , Budget and their buying status. We can even match down to what Road or even what exact house they wish to pursue trying to buy and let Technolgy help in this.
With the ever-growing online estate agency businesses growing and Purple Bricks now having the most Properties listed in the U.K we want to turn our technology on its head and grow this area.
It seems funny that when we started on this journey we learned a lot from the Property sector and now we will be returning that favor. Having been in the House buying and building industry for over 20 years this seems like another great experience for us to venture into.
Initial launch looks likely to be in Lincolnshire where we have experienced very positive feedback from the Counties leading estate agency with connections to a National Network.Property is and always will be the largest purchase in peoples lifetime and the use of mobile phones and the internet as changed this sector immensely and we will help keep evolving and improving.PROPERTY REQUEST_03.10.18_11am